
TLC for Your NICU Baby

Calling to check on Donavon was around the clock duty at our house. Visiting him was part of our daily routine, but when we were at home or work we called several times. His nurses would be very busy with at least 1 other baby and we knew calling was a good way to stay informed.
Reading to our son was something I looked forward to every single day of his stay in the NICU. From the day that he was born it was something I could do for him. Even if it meant whispering the words from a day calender with inspirational thoughts in it, this was a way for him to know I was there. When a baby is as small as Donavon was, touching was not always an option. It is very stressful for them because they are still developing, it can be more than a tiny one can take. Changing Diapers, whoever thought someone would look forward to changing a diaper? This was one of the first hands on experiences my husband and I ever had with Donavon. I changed every diaper I could for the entire time he was in the NICU. It was very nurturing to me and I enjoyed it no matter what he had in store for us!
Rubbing lotion on your baby can be a very nice experience for you both. Donavon was under a warmer for several months and these tend to dry babies out. Lotion was a way I could connect with him mentally and physically because it was soothing to him and made him happy.
Bathing Donavon was not something that occurred daily, instead it was 2 times a week. We helped with the baths often. This was another way for us to be involved with him on a parental level, taking care of baths was always a great experience.
Dressing your baby may not be something that you are there for in the wee hours of the morning, but should you want to change them when you arrive go ahead. We changed Donavon after big throw-ups and urination's which were almost daily occurrences.
Feeding your baby has to be one of the best experiences. We never had this opportunity because he was and still is on a feeding tube, but the parents I saw nurturing their babies in this way looked so peaceful.
Holding your baby is the greatest reward in the NICU. We each held Donavon once after he was a month old. After that first time we had to wait 2 more months to hold again due to the surgeries. We were completely understanding in both cases, whatever was best for him was what we wanted. Once he was in our arms the bond just grew. Donavon just melted into us and to this day he still loves to be held. There is a way to hold your baby skin-to-skin known as Kangaroo Care. This is just a more intimate way to bond with your baby. They lay your baby on your bare chest (women keep their bras on) and the baby is in a diaper only. Donavon really enjoyed this as well as us.
Nail care is a duty left for the parents or guardians, it is as I understand it hospital policy around the country. To be prepared, bring a pair of nail clippers with you if your baby spends an extended period of time in the NICU.

Understanding that Doctor's and Nurses are there to do what is absolutely best for your baby will bring you peace of mind. You may feel as though there is nothing for you to do in the first couple of days but, when your ready let the nurses know that you want to be involved with as much of your babies care as possible. Before you know it, you will be a pro!